Saturday, October 11, 2014

Exercise #04 (Nine Techniques)


                Exercise # 04 was entitled “Nine Techniques” for we are introduced with the nine techniques of shading on a drawing. We are asked to draw a tree on a used folder and cut it afterwards for the tree that we cut out of the used folder was our guide to have a uniform tree to be shaded. The nine techniques were the horizontal, vertical, diagonal, cross, zigzag, spirals, circles, dots, smudge, and an additional one which was the  combination of any of the nine techniques. Proper execution of techniques and the shading were observed in this exercise.


                I enjoyed the exercise though its tiring doing the shading especially the dots. I learned some of the shading techniques before but now my knowledge was deepen through the exercise because I learned to execute the techniques properly and explore more on how it adds beauty to a drawing.

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