Saturday, October 11, 2014

Exercise #02 (Bottle and Plant with Shades)


                One of the hardest activity I encounter was this exercise, the bottle and plant with shades. Our teacher let us stay on a place where we are comfortable. And then from our place we should draw the two materials on the tables which where the bottle and plant. We are also told to shade the objects the way we see it from our seats. We are given with the measurement of the bottle from its cap up to its bottom part. We are also told to put a shade meter from the lightest shade to the darkest shade.


                I found the exercise hard because I am going to apply shade on the plant and bottle in the way how I see it in my seat. The measuring of the bottle also hassle me because I need to measure it first and then do the desired shape. I might not get the exact shading and shapes of the objects but I realize that I don’t draw that bad either. I learned a lot through this activity especially on having patience and perseverance to accomplish a thing which I find hard.

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